As of Tuesday morning, April 20, a few Volcano-cancelled flights are now operating as some airspace is re-opened.
Here’s what we’ve been doing and will continue to do in the Stellar Travel corporate department for our affected clients:
- At the beginning of the crisis all of our travelers and their flights were monitored. Where they were, where they were going, and contingency planning began.
- We use our inside contact relationships within the international airline sales departments. These valued contacts give us direct access to flight status and assist with re-accommodation to other flights – giving our clients priority over internet or phone-booked travelers.
- As we monitor traveler’s flights for current and future travel, we re-book their reservations and keep them informed by email and phone in the U.S. and Europe. Travel agency computer systems display all airline information in one source.
- Some alternate transportation has been available and reserved: Eurail, car rental, and motorcoach options.
- We assist with business travel hotel reservations and re-booking to ensure the entire itinerary is re-scheduled or cancelled as needed.
- For cancelled trips, corporate agents work to secure refunds and/or apply ticket values to future dates of travel.